Lobau Listening Comprehensions (LLC) is a site-specific, acoustic investigation of the Lobau, the Vienna Danube floodplains, by Julia Grillmayr, Christina Gruber and Sophia Rut. This investigation includes personal experiences, ecological conditions, more-than-human voices, current political negotiations as well as historical events.

We work with sound from different perspectives and through different practices: collective listening, oral histories, acoustic ecology, science communication. In doing so, our respective disciplines (cultural studies, journalism, social ecology, environmental history, freshwater ecology, artistic research) intertwine to create a multi-layered portrait of the Lobau.

To this end and in collaboration with the artists Aaron Kimmig and CarMiña Tarilonte Rodríguez , we develop the cyborg GERTI, a modular and mutable entity with which we collaborate to play and interact with the collected sounds. GERTI is a means, a method, a mentor and a mixing machine.

LLC is supported by an INTRA stipend of the University of Applied Arts as well as the Theodor Körner Fonds.

Hier ist eine Projektbeschreibung auf Deutsch.

Foto: Leon Höllhumer